Dance Floor & Staging

Dance Floor, Ash Grey

Where to find Dance Floor, Ash Grey in Kearneysville

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Actual item may look different
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  • Floors can ONLY be installed in Jefferson Rental's Tents, or inside of a venue building.
  • Dance Floor Pieces CAN NOT be left in direct sunlight for ANY extended period of time.
  • 2 sq ft/ person recommended
  • Dance floor border is installed only on hard surface set ups (i.e asphalt, concrete, etc)
  • Dance floor border will NOT be installed on uneven surface set ups (i.e grass, dirt)

Please enter the desired quantities for the items in this package:

12x12-9 Sections - ASH
12x16-12 Sections - ASH
12x20-15 Sections - ASH
16X16-16 Sections - ASH
16X20-20 Sections - ASH

* Give us a call at (304) 728-6657 or email us, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about our dance floor ash grey in Kearneysville, WV, serving parts of West Virginia, Maryland, and Virginia.
* Prices subject to change without notice. Taxes, delivery, and other fees are not included in price estimates.

* Competitive pricing guaranteed. Ask us how!